Artistic visualization of science

The Swiss photographer Fabian Oefner has specialised in capturing transient events such as balloons or soap bubbles bursting. Some of his work could be seen at an exhibition in Zürich in January 2013, and there is a TedX talk by Fabian.

14 million Euro TREASORES project begins

On the 1st November, the TREASORES FP7 project to develop cheaper production technologies for large area organic electronics will start with fourteen partners and a total estimated budget of over 14 million Euros. The 3-year long project will be led by Prof. Frank Nüesch of Empa (the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology).… Continue reading 14 million Euro TREASORES project begins

Marie Curie IAPP call

This call Participant Portal, IAPP link allows staff to be exchanged between companies and academic organisations. There is a budget of 81 million Euros and the deadline is 16th January 2013.

Categorised as FP7

Latest FP7 calls

A few weeks ago the EU published the latest round of calls for proposals for FP7. Full details are available as usual from the Participant Portal