EU Geld für Schweizerische Firmen / EU money for Swiss companies

Did you know that Swiss companies are eligible for European funding? So far, 303 Swiss small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have received 86.6 million Euros from the EU’s Framework 7 program. Both Swiss SMEs and research institutions have a higher than average success rate in the Framework 7 program. For more information, contact (Figures… Continue reading EU Geld für Schweizerische Firmen / EU money for Swiss companies

FP7: draft NMP call text now available

Drafts of the text for the next NMP calls are now available on request from National Contact Points (in Switzerland, The official text is expected to be finalised and made public towards the end of July.

Categorised as FoF, FP7, NMP

Start of company

As of 1st April, Amanuensis GmbH exists and is ready for business